
all is full of love!!!

segunda-feira, novembro 26

the most horrible thing
the biggest mistake
a huge fault
the horrible lie
your closest enemy
the world s traitor
your mind s virus


think twice be4 judgind anyone under their background, country , religon , colour of skin or whatever.

quinta-feira, novembro 15

once I saw an ethipoian girl alughing at me at finsbury park station, she worked at some sort of KFC but it was not KFC was a fried chicken take away, she couldnt stop laughing then I got into the place and asked her WHY SHE WAS LAUGHING AT ME?
obviously I was not so direct to her I started talking to her friendly, she was very pretty actually and a bit silly she was laughing cos she was silly and cos I look like a clown. anyway...after a bit of conversation she siad in her country ppl with a gap between the front teeth is lucky ppl. and I asked her: how did u see my teeth you slug? and she said: oh well, you were on the phone all the time and etc...she was not busy basically she was watching me... her name is stephanie I ve found out and she s right I m lucky and happy. Healthy and everything else. I remember of this girl everytime something nice happens to my life...and if i say once I wanted to fix my gap between my teeth and close I am fine with them like that. My baby has got this gap as well and if one day I have a kid he or she wont look different.

back to the dream I had last night...I phoned my godmother in brazil, she s a well known and respect junguian psycologist (I dont like jung theories but anyway) I told her my dream, cos actually a phoned my dad be4 and he also dreamt with my nona. a cllective dream aparently...

she said the granmother is the archetype of the Great Mother, Madonna, Gea, Sara or whatever your religion claims!and this means that To see your grandmother in your dream, represents nurturance, protection, and unconditional love. Considering also the qualities and characteristics that exist in my own grandmother. Lovely isnt it?

I actually feel nurtured today, apart from the flu...
few things...
I tend to be a very positive person,so it s very difficult to me copping with negative ppl!Last night I forgot the windows opened in my bedroom and woke up with dry cough and sore throat, horrible enough!
I went to work and I had to swallow a fucking polish cunt all day talking bullshit like such as "boooooooring" or "there s nothing to do" or whatever, plus she s got shit salary so I understand why she complains a lot, but it s just like I HATE ppl complaining to me. I mean, I work for a company that unfortunately works with her company and for a while I ll have to "corroborate" with her but it s just know FUCK OFF biatch...
Anyway, I am having a tough flu I dont feel well at all! I just need to get over as soon as possible cos I gonna get through the busiest period of my life and I am like this, ILL...
Last nite I dreamt with strange things. It was king of my dad wanting me to go to a ceremony to pray up for my grandmother who s died 23 years ago. The dream was strange but made me feel comfortable because I liked her a lot and I have only fond memories about her. I dreamt that was seeing pictures of her and eveyrthing with my dad, but was a bit spooky cos all these were happening in a funeral atmosphere , know what i mean?well, 4get it!

segunda-feira, novembro 12


saturday I ve worked all day I was tired but I had an email from facebook from Chole inviting me to go to the end to see Luke Solomon with her, well I was happy cos I met Chloe when I get to London but we ve never done anything together only once, it was a lunch because we ve got friends in common. And I made an effort to go also cos Bruno never goes out and he decided to go as well. Gre8. Xotchl and Richard sorted the guest list for us cos Saturday is a nightmare the queues are huge and guest list is almost impossible, but anyway, I got it through the owner, not bad. We got there vip vip vip. The music was good the pill was crap, kind of AAS for children, but anyway I was in the mood to stay quiet and watch...
Then a fella came in and I got three pills and we ate that thing and everyone was raving in 20 minutes. GOod. I was not. At some point I was very tired couldnt have fun anymore I got the bus right in front of the club that dropped me right in front of my house in 27 minutes. need to spend money in cab.

I couldnt sleep much Slept from 5 to 11 in the morning. Didnt call my parents as I should have done as I do every single sunday. but I did pancakes my mum recip but the filling of michele s panckae was not only spinach but also smoked salmon , he loves it what can I do...the dough was lovely and I m pretty good in the kitchen you know...I m becoming a housewife, it s a question of time, give me time I ll be good...

today is MOnday, this very monday of yours, this very working day, the most grey and annoying one. And I won the battle with my manager and I m off today. SO it s sunny and I can feel the sun cos I dont have to go to work, so everything is sweet and lovely when I dont have to work on monday the world is beautiful!!!!

gotta go, i think i m gonna pop in to camden town nd have a huge burger in camden lock tavern. i think...not sure..tell ya tomo.
HI everyone,
yesterday I was panicking because I wanted so much shoting some words in here but I forgot my username and my password plus the email I was using at the time when I opnened this blog has gone long time ago...fuck it.
Well, After sleeping from 6pm yesterday untill 9am today I am pretty much refreshed and new...anna reloaded and I remember everything, I remember how I ve started this blog, I had dreams about blasts of my past and etc...oh well that was good cos I woke up so happy but I didnt recognise my house my bedroom, strong, strange...tooke me a while to step out from my bedroom!

thousands of kisses and love!!!