
all is full of love!!!

sexta-feira, março 21

I ask myself why on eart a woman on her late 30s come to live in UK to work as a waitress! I tell you what, everyone worked as a waitress in UK! No lies!Everyone I know, even wealthy ppl cannot stand their "sons" here without at least a part time job and what everyone does is catering. I did this job for a year and a half, it was cool, I worked in cool places, I met fantastic people, I saw all the celebrities I could, I didnt need to wear a ridicoulous french-style uniform, however, It was a lesson, there I learnt what is the diference between WORK and JOB.
but another day one gilr came up to me and said her friend is been living for 2 years here in UK< not in LOndon, working her ass off in shit jobs where you have to SERVE and CLEAN (fuck it, or you are a waitress or a cleaner, there is a law to protect you also)when she used to be a graphic designer in Brazil!!!!Excuse me...if you want to kill yourself right, stay where you are!!!!

I write this because I d like everyone to know that life in UK is not only saving punds and killing yourself, it s not olny working in a kitchen or restaurant floor not willing to learn more english than that menu offers you. Learn as much as you can , I know it s hard , but it makes me crazy when I see brazilian ppl here, some of them are in the country longer than me and they ask me to make phone calls for them cos they cant speak on the phone. I know the begining is hard and annoying, it s very depressing also but you gotta go through it otherwise you will be lost and dependent!
Shoping descontrol

When I came to London I shortly noticed I couldnt be a shopaholic!Reason? NO, it s not because UK is pricey, it s not because I want to save money , it s purely because there is no space to stock all the goodies.
I remember a couple of months ago I worked for an event for Christian Louboutin where I ended up with 4 new pairs of shoes, lovely, they re so fucking high I barely use them and one of them is not my size. Ebay was good solution thou. BUt I dont know , yesterday I had nothing to do, it was cold , and I just went shopping like crazy. I bought loads of thing from the new Kate Moss collection, I bought all the new hair line from GHD exclusive for Harvey NIchols. I went to Harrods I bought Tracie Martyn Lifting Serum (cos I m almost thirty and the girls in town swear for it!!!) I got a Lovely Alexander McQueen Long Dress and a couple of Vivienne Westwood dresses also. After I went to Sketch I had beef tartar and avocado tempura!!Lovely. I saw my dear Udi there then I met Roberta and we walked down Bond Street where the Craziness started over again and I couldnt resist to a pair of Jimmy Choo. Well, the pleasure of buying is the best ever but as I cant find space to keep everything, I guess my sister in Brazil is getting loads of new and nice things for herself...Lovely!!! Money is to be spent and the only thin I wont sell is the ROLEX my dad gave me when we went to Zurich together last year!

I am not a material girl, I swear!


terça-feira, março 11

I just dont know what to say. I ve been off work for 4 days and I m getting lazier than ever! yesterday my friend Cathal came to my house and talking about business he said: Annaaaa, I wanna open a business with you because you like to work!

oh fuck! I just want to be a lazy person with no guilt or shame for that, but that seems impossible!

Today I have many things to do at homw such as cleaning because Michele is coming back from his mum house tonight and he hates mess!however I ve got the cleaner booked for tomorrow morning, but I just cant let it go, I have to go and clean myself just to avoid fights at home!

MY friend just got back from Moscow where she developed an alergy, well, I ve lived with a Russian Girl before and I tell you all, no matters how beautiful they are, God forbid, they are so fucking filthy, just couldnt stand her anymore, I bet a pork does less filthy and mess than her!There you go, maybe is not even an allergy, maybe is a bug she got from filthy ppl!

Workwise everything is fine, I love my job, my boss is nice, my salary even better, but I dont know sometimes I think of quiting and packing and hopping on a flight back to Brazil, I dont know I ve been having strange toughts and I just dont know, everything at this point of my life seems to be so blurred in my mind. I feel somehow unprotected in a verge of something bad always about to happen...bad toughts grey clouds...cant stand it anymore!I need a psycologist, perhaps I m just going mental as everyone else in this Land!