
all is full of love!!!

quinta-feira, novembro 15

few things...
I tend to be a very positive person,so it s very difficult to me copping with negative ppl!Last night I forgot the windows opened in my bedroom and woke up with dry cough and sore throat, horrible enough!
I went to work and I had to swallow a fucking polish cunt all day talking bullshit like such as "boooooooring" or "there s nothing to do" or whatever, plus she s got shit salary so I understand why she complains a lot, but it s just like I HATE ppl complaining to me. I mean, I work for a company that unfortunately works with her company and for a while I ll have to "corroborate" with her but it s just know FUCK OFF biatch...
Anyway, I am having a tough flu I dont feel well at all! I just need to get over as soon as possible cos I gonna get through the busiest period of my life and I am like this, ILL...
Last nite I dreamt with strange things. It was king of my dad wanting me to go to a ceremony to pray up for my grandmother who s died 23 years ago. The dream was strange but made me feel comfortable because I liked her a lot and I have only fond memories about her. I dreamt that was seeing pictures of her and eveyrthing with my dad, but was a bit spooky cos all these were happening in a funeral atmosphere , know what i mean?well, 4get it!